
2020 is proving to be a year where you cannot predict what will come next let alone prepare for the future. The goalposts keep moving as the world writhes under normal events, a pandemic, and a racial debate that’s long overdue. While Deb and I have been sheltering in place, being as cautious as weContinue reading “Adjustments”

Trying to Keep my Resolution

So far, keeping this year’s New Year’s Resolution has proven challenging. I had decided that in addition to whatever other writing assignment I had, I would also carve time out for at least one short story, figuring that 12 new stories by year’s end would be lovely.It hasn’t quite been working out that way.In January,Continue reading “Trying to Keep my Resolution”

My 12-part New Year’s Resolution

I don’t usually make New Year’s Resolutions, but as I enter 2017 without a fulltime job, I realize I have many hours at my disposal to write, seek out jobs or writing assignments, and write while also waiting for Opportunity to seek me out. So, as 2016 was thankfully on its way out the door,Continue reading “My 12-part New Year’s Resolution”

What Kind of Year has it Been?

This wasn’t the year I was expecting nor am I in a place I ever imagined for myself at 58 but if I have proven anything over time it’s that I can roll with the punches and keep moving.EducationIn the first part of the year, I watched my hopes for staying at Owings Mills HighContinue reading “What Kind of Year has it Been?”

Lessons Learned from the First Draft

So yesterday, I hit the end of the first draft for my contribution to the Veil Knights project. Along the way, I learned some new things and have other matters to consider before I tackle a second draft.When I began drafting the novel, it was late summer/early fall and I was working strictly from notesContinue reading “Lessons Learned from the First Draft”

Unexpectedly Being Pushed to Grow

I don’t often get pushed as a writer, forced to write in styles or about subjects outside my wheelhouse. While I want to make each work better than the last, I don’t go outside my proscribed areas of comfort and/.or expertise.As a result, my few courses at Fairleigh Dickinson have been interesting experiences as eachContinue reading “Unexpectedly Being Pushed to Grow”

Being Stretched as a Writer

Over July and August, I took two graduate courses for my Creative Writing and Literature for Educators Master’s Degree. These were Writing and Critiquing Fiction and Writing and Critiquing Drama, both requiring me to a writer.With both courses over, and me catching my breath before the final course begins next week, I am takinContinue reading “Being Stretched as a Writer”

Meet my Fellow Apes

Over at the Hasslein Books blog, Rich Handley has revealed the complete line up of authors contributing to the untitlted Planet of the Apes prose anthology. Rich edits this with Jim Beard and it should be all manner of fun. I mentioned recently that I begin 2016 by penning a story set during the POTAContinue reading “Meet my Fellow Apes”

The Side of Good/ The Side of Evil is now Available for Pre-Order

My buddy Danielle Ackley-McPhail is launching her digital imprint, eSpec Books, with a fun concept: a flip book focusing on original super-hero stories. One side would focus on the good guys, the other spotlight the evil ones. The Side of Good/ The Side of Evil was launched via Kickstarter and I was thrilled to beContinue reading “The Side of Good/ The Side of Evil is now Available for Pre-Order”

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