So, What Kind of Year has it Been?

As 2019 ends, and the final year of the decade begins (at least that’s how I count it), it’s time to take stock and judge the year as a whole. Deb and I had a relatively quiet, relatively good year. We saw plenty of television, a handful of plays and a bunch of movies, didContinue reading “So, What Kind of Year has it Been?”

Shore Leave 41 After Action Report

Shore Leave 41 was a great experience but I was left withregrets which is not how things usually shake out. First of all, the con was fun and despite more than a few ofthe regulars being absent for one reason or another, it was good to be there. As I discussed last week, we movedContinue reading “Shore Leave 41 After Action Report”

Tomorrow Thrilling Adventure Yarns Debuts!

I first came up with the idea for what has become Thrilling Adventure Yarns in late 2017. It was generated in short order when there was concern among some of the Crazy 8 Press team that one of our other books might not make the schedule. While that crisis was averted, the notion of aContinue reading “Tomorrow Thrilling Adventure Yarns Debuts!”

What I’ll be doing at Shore Leave

My love for Shore Leave has no bounds as it enters its fifth decade of existence. It has grown and prospered, evolving to meet the ever-changing needs and desires of the fans. I love how it has earned and maintained a reputation for being a fun, fan-run show where the media guests are comfortable. ThisContinue reading “What I’ll be doing at Shore Leave”

What sort of year was it?

It hasn’t been a bad year overall. Deb and I remained relativelyhealthy as we both hit 60, celebrating with our big trip to Scotland andIceland. We saw movies and plays, visited museums and libraries, and traveled to see family and friends. Throughout the year, we’ve upgraded portions of the townhouse, notably the Master Bathroom, butContinue reading “What sort of year was it?”

What I did on my Summer Vacation

My school year was done at the beginning of June and the students report tomorrow morning for the first classes of the new school year. I’ve been back in the building since last Wednesday and will admit that I was lesson planning in bits and pieces throughout the summer.But it was also a time toContinue reading “What I did on my Summer Vacation”

A Belated Shore Leave 40 After Action Report

Shore Leave 40 has come and gone. So much has been happening that my normal after action report got waylaid.The show was tremendous fun with plenty of nice touches to make it memorable. The Friday night Meet the Pros party went better than usual and all weekend long I received nice compliments on the OralContinue reading “A Belated Shore Leave 40 After Action Report”

My Shore Leave 40 Schedule

In 1981, I was working at Starlog Press and I received a call from my pal Howard Weinstein. He’d just been invited to be a guest at a new show called Shore Leave. It was their third outing and he thought I’d make a good (and cheap) guest, coming down to talk about SF moviesContinue reading “My Shore Leave 40 Schedule”

They Keep Killing Glenn — and for good reason

At Farpoint in 2017, we were enjoying our usual Crazy 8 Press panel, when somehow the event ended with the team agreeing to write an anthology where every author would find some gruesome way to kill our member Glenn Hauman.You have to understand, we love Glenn. But, he can’t get out of his own wayContinue reading “They Keep Killing Glenn — and for good reason”

Shore Leave 39 After Action Report

I’m tired, plain and simple.We were away in Italy for a pilgrimage, returning on July 4 and then on the 7th, it was the Shore Leave marathon. As a result, the late nights required by the con and a special event Sunday has left me worn out.But the con was good.Shore Leave remains a funContinue reading “Shore Leave 39 After Action Report”

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