Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2021 Begins its Kickstarter Campaign

I never expected 400 backers and reaching 248% of the goal when I launched the Kickstarter campaign for Thrilling Adventure Yarns in 2019. I just knew I loved the old pulp magazines and wanted to have fun with them, pay tribute to their influence on me as a reader. When the book debuted that summer,Continue reading “Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2021 Begins its Kickstarter Campaign”

Me & Dreadstar

In late 1981, just about the time Comics Scene was debuting, I got a call from Jim Shooter, inviting me to lunch. The Marvel Editor-in-Chief met me with Jim Starlin in tow to discuss the company’s new creator-owned contracts, which enticed Starlin back to the company. The first work to benefit from this would beContinue reading “Me & Dreadstar”

The Pangaea III Kickstarter Campaign is NOW

Mike Friedman doesn’t think small. He has envisioned worldafter world and one of his most ambitious projects was an alternate history. Some years back, he wondered how mankind would have evolvedhad Pangaea, the super-continent, neve shattered into the seven continents weknow today. He did some research, did some wishful thinking, then invited hisfriends to comeContinue reading “The Pangaea III Kickstarter Campaign is NOW”

My Packed Baltimore Comic-Con Schedule

One reason I have come to love living in Maryland is because each year I get to attend the Baltimore Comic-Con, a large, wonderful show about comic books. I don’t book a table so I can wander freely and visit with old friends wherever they may scattered around the convention center.I’ve become a regular and my Westfield ComicsContinue reading “My Packed Baltimore Comic-Con Schedule”

My Baltimore Comic-Con Schedule

I’ve quickly grown fond of attending the Baltimore Comic-Con given its primary focus has remained on comics while growing slowly, but steadily. They’d added in some media guests but haven’t gone overboard and for the most part, are integral parts of the pop culture world the show celebrates.Since attending, I’ve been fortunate enough to beContinue reading “My Baltimore Comic-Con Schedule”

Join me Back on Pangaea

I enjoy worldbuilding. It probably has to do with growing up with the words “to seek new life forms and new civilizations…:” rattling in my head with great regularity.I loved playing with the DC Universe characters, helping reshape the universe in the wake of Crisis on Infinite Earths. I adored collaborating to craft new worldsContinue reading “Join me Back on Pangaea”

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