Writing Update

I have written very little over the last few months. Once the Flash: 100 Greatest book was put to bed, I have managed two short stories and my usual reviews and columns. The sixth 100 Greatest Moments book has been pushed on the schedule by the publisher so I should have time to do moreContinue reading “Writing Update”

The Pangaea III Kickstarter Campaign is NOW

Mike Friedman doesn’t think small. He has envisioned worldafter world and one of his most ambitious projects was an alternate history. Some years back, he wondered how mankind would have evolvedhad Pangaea, the super-continent, neve shattered into the seven continents weknow today. He did some research, did some wishful thinking, then invited hisfriends to comeContinue reading “The Pangaea III Kickstarter Campaign is NOW”

Join me Back on Pangaea

I enjoy worldbuilding. It probably has to do with growing up with the words “to seek new life forms and new civilizations…:” rattling in my head with great regularity.I loved playing with the DC Universe characters, helping reshape the universe in the wake of Crisis on Infinite Earths. I adored collaborating to craft new worldsContinue reading “Join me Back on Pangaea”

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