Three More 100 Greatest Moments Books

Back in late November, I received a call from my publisher atChartwell Books. Apparently, sales have been so strong, and the reviews so superlative,on the first three 100 Greatest Momentsbooks, they negotiated a deal with DC Comics for three more books. She wantedto know if I was interested in writing them. What do you think?Continue reading “Three More 100 Greatest Moments Books”

My Packed Baltimore Comic-Con Schedule

One reason I have come to love living in Maryland is because each year I get to attend the Baltimore Comic-Con, a large, wonderful show about comic books. I don’t book a table so I can wander freely and visit with old friends wherever they may scattered around the convention center.I’ve become a regular and my Westfield ComicsContinue reading “My Packed Baltimore Comic-Con Schedule”

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