It was 40 Years Ago Today

I met Deb in our sophomore year at SUNY-Binghamton. My girlfriend moved on to her floor so we were just friends. But I liked her and in time I grew to like her a lot. Fortunately, I got dumped and she eventually broke up with her boyfriend. May 1980, engaged and graduating from college. WeContinue reading “It was 40 Years Ago Today”

So, What Sort of Year has it Been?

Looking back at 2015 it was a year filled with more highs than lows but the lows were pretty tough ones to deal with. Overall, it was a pretty good if unspectacular year.We achieved our 35th wedding anniversary, a milestone of some note. To celebrate we made a weekend of it in New York CityContinue reading “So, What Sort of Year has it Been?”

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