
2020 is proving to be a year where you cannot predict what will come next let alone prepare for the future. The goalposts keep moving as the world writhes under normal events, a pandemic, and a racial debate that’s long overdue. While Deb and I have been sheltering in place, being as cautious as weContinue reading “Adjustments”

The Flash: 100 Greatest Moments Cover Reveal

I completed the manuscript for The Flash: 100 Greatest Moments in mid-July, ahead fo schedule, and DC Comics was quick to review the manuscript. Their comments, delivered by Andrew Martino, an assistant editor who I knew long before through two different mutual acquaintances, were cogent and helpful. The manuscript is off to copy editing whileContinue reading “The Flash: 100 Greatest Moments Cover Reveal”

Flash: 100 Greatest Moments Announced

As you know, I have been spent much of my writing time thelast year or so on the 100 Greatest Moments series for Chartwell Books, adivision of Quarto. I have been deeply gratified by the largely positive responsethey have received from reviewers and readers. The sales were better than Quarto anticipated so after thefirst threeContinue reading “Flash: 100 Greatest Moments Announced”

So, What Have I Been Writing?

When I haven’t been in the classroom, I have been home, at the desk, writing and editing. There have been the usual Westfield Comics columns and reviews over at ComicMix, but there have been some projects occupying my time. Back in February, the Kickstarter campaign for Thrilling Adventure Yarns came to a rousing conclusion. SinceContinue reading “So, What Have I Been Writing?”

Cover Reveal: Justice League: 100 Greatest Moments

Work has been progressing on Justice League: 100 Greatest Moments, the first in a three volume set from Chartwell Books. Design work on the interiors has been continuing since I first announced the project, but now I have a DC-approved cover to show off.It’s a fine illustration of the current incarnation and should look justContinue reading “Cover Reveal: Justice League: 100 Greatest Moments”

Announcing my Next Project: The JLA’s 100 Greatest Moments

You can’t buy it yet, nor is there a final cover, but over at Amazon, my next project has been posted. The title they have is The 100 Greatest Moments From The Justice League, which has since been modified to Justice League: The 100 Greatest Moments. It’s a 304-page hardcover from Chartwell Books, showing aContinue reading “Announcing my Next Project: The JLA’s 100 Greatest Moments”

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