My Baltimore Comic-Con Schedule

I can’t believe so much time has passed since I last posted and for that I apologize, I’ll be talking about school next time, but right now I am excited to talk about this weekend’s Baltimore Comic-Con.I’ll be there all three days without a table to man, so will be wandering and catching up withContinue reading “My Baltimore Comic-Con Schedule”

The Baltimore Comic-Con Wrap Up

It’s been a wonderful but utterly exhausting last few days. The scheduling gods must have been having a laugh at my expense.Thursday kicked things off as Deb, Kate, Mike, and I attended the Bruce Springsteen show at Nationals Stadium. I’ve been going to see Bruce since December 1975 so I’ve been to over a dozenContinue reading “The Baltimore Comic-Con Wrap Up”

My Baltimore Comic-Con Schedule

I’ve quickly grown fond of attending the Baltimore Comic-Con given its primary focus has remained on comics while growing slowly, but steadily. They’d added in some media guests but haven’t gone overboard and for the most part, are integral parts of the pop culture world the show celebrates.Since attending, I’ve been fortunate enough to beContinue reading “My Baltimore Comic-Con Schedule”

Where to Find me This Summer

The summer used to be filled with lots of convention appearances, as I represented DC or Marvel and I truly enjoyed being at the booth or out with freelancers. Many, many great memories were created during those years.These days, I make fewer appearances and tend to stay relatively local unless I’m brought out somewhere differentContinue reading “Where to Find me This Summer”

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