Year in Review: Writing and Editing

With 2017 winding down, I am taking some time to look back and evaluate what sort of professional year it was.As the year began, I was out of work, seeking a school that wanted me fulltime and subbing most days at St. Vincent Pallotti. March saw me do a four-week stint at New Town HighContinue reading “Year in Review: Writing and Editing”

Veil Knights Adds Platforms for your Reading Pleasure

Things may seem quiet on the Veil Knights front, but as it turns out, we’ve been quietly biding out time.When the dozen of us comprising Rowan Casey planned our launch, there were compelling reasons to go exclusive with Amazon’s Kindle publishing program. By going that route, we had a really strong sense of how weContinue reading “Veil Knights Adds Platforms for your Reading Pleasure”

Happy Book Day to White Mountain Rising

Out today is the seventh volume in the Veil Knights saga, White Mountain Rising. As you know, Rowan Casey is pseudonym used by the dozen writers behind the series and we have been working in a very collaborative manner.Working with the team has been an education as they parse and analyze marketing ideas and salesContinue reading “Happy Book Day to White Mountain Rising”

2017 is Getting Full of Words

Between January and July, I have five different projects coming out, which makes me sound busier than I feel.We had Planet of the Apes: Tales from the Forbidden Zone kick off the year to much acclaim and (hopefully) good sales.In March, Sequart’s long awaited Bright Eyes, Ape City: Examining the Planet of the Apes Mythos.Then,Continue reading “2017 is Getting Full of Words”

“The Third Heaven” Coming in May

I’m into my second week at home after the long-term sub gig and I have been rather busy. As I discussed last week, I am writing a Captain America novel. Currently, I am closing in on the completing the first third of the book and might be closer to half-done by the weekend.Just announced thisContinue reading ““The Third Heaven” Coming in May”

Many Irons in the Tiny Fire

I like to be busy. There are some stretches where time hangs heavy without an active project, and I find that I procrastinate rather than really use the time for personal projects. That’s certainly one of the reasons I resolved to write a short story a month, something to keep me focused.Then there are daysContinue reading “Many Irons in the Tiny Fire”

Lessons Learned from the First Draft

So yesterday, I hit the end of the first draft for my contribution to the Veil Knights project. Along the way, I learned some new things and have other matters to consider before I tackle a second draft.When I began drafting the novel, it was late summer/early fall and I was working strictly from notesContinue reading “Lessons Learned from the First Draft”

Lessons Learned at the Round Table

Some of the benefits of being part of the Veil Knights collective is that I get to see how they approach not only the writing of their novels, but how they market themselves and their works. (I also have a whole host of new authors to sample in my “spare” time.) When Rowan Casey, ourContinue reading “Lessons Learned at the Round Table”

The Veil Knights Debuts Today

One of the reasons I have been pushing for people to sign up for a newsletter is so when something major happens, you won’t miss the blog post. However, too few of you signed up keeping it a work in progress.As Steven Savile and I were winding down the final stages of our Sherlock HolmesContinue reading “The Veil Knights Debuts Today”

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