The Summer Writing Wraps Up

As of today, I have one week left before I report back to school. A very different academic year awaits.

Children of Tomorrowq.jpgChildren of Tomorrowq.jpg

In the meantime, Deb has suggested I throttle back and take more time for myself this week, which is most excellent advice.

It’s been a very busy summer, all things considered. June was spent writing Children of Tomorrow which completes Paul Antony Jones’ This Alien Earth trilogy. The deadline was Saturday but I delivered the book early and then awaited the editors’ feedback. Thankfully, they were impressed (and no doubt relieved). What really stunned me though was the very kind, heartfelt words from Paul’s widow, who read the book through twice in a short period. Her suggestions and comments were few, but cogent ones. The book has now been edited, copy edited, and blessed by the most important person connected to it.

We’re racing towards its Oct. 13 on-sale date and I eagerly (and yes, trepidatiously) await the verdict from Paul’s’ fans.

I had hoped the writing re-energized my creative spirit and after taking a break, dove into a short story I committed to writing a while back for a forthcoming, not yet announced project. I dove into my research and began. The first draft took a few days and I wasn’t feeling the same sense of satisfaction, the same notion that this was good. So, I put it aside for a week or so, and yesterday returned to it. I polished here and there but still, I am uncertain if it’s any good so I sent it to my editor, hoping he would know.


Across the summer, the submissions for the 2021 edition of Thrilling Adventure Yarns have been rolling in. In several cases, I sent the stories back for revising while others were ready to rock. The manuscript is about 60% completed, I’m searching for a cover artist, and plans are afoot for the Kickstarter campaign to launch in the fall so I can pay everyone involved. The plan remains to release this in February, timed for Farpoint, but who knows if we can return to cons by then (probably not, but I remain ever-optimistic).

What’s missing is my own contribution as inspiration has vanished, dried up by the summer sun. I have a genre that intrigues me to play with and I hope a Muse visits soon. It’s so weird that I can’t seem to sustain a creative streak at this stage of my career.

Beyond that, the line-up is light, which is perhaps for the best considering what the new school year may demand. I have an article in the works for RetroFan and the final volume of my 100 Greatest Moments has been delayed as publishing schedules get rewritten by the coronavirus. I was given a shot at a new line of fiction and need to start thinking about ideas for this one, too.

This writer’s life can be a really satisfying one and a really maddening one, often at the same time.

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