Writing Update

I have written very little over the last few months. Once the Flash: 100 Greatest book was put to bed, I have managed two short stories and my usual reviews and columns. The sixth 100 Greatest Moments book has been pushed on the schedule by the publisher so I should have time to do more writing.

But I’m tired. And, as I have stated previously, the creative spark remains AWOL.

Of the two stories, one is for summer’s Bad Ass Moms anthology, coming from Mary Fan and Crazy 8 Press. The initial concept came to me instantly and the story wasn’t too hard to write in late summer. I just got back my edits and will be revising soon, and was pleased with the feedback.

C8 final logo.jpgC8 final logo.jpg

The other was a tale for the third volume of Mike Friedman’s Pangaea series. It’s a wonderful alternative history concept and many other authors have glommed on to it with gusto, After writing my first story, I just didn’t feel the same connection to the world. I managed my second story thanks in large part to Lawrence Schoen and Michael Burstein, who helped me form a loose trilogy of stories as our characters crossed paths. Working with them was fun.

Pangaea title.jpgPangaea title.jpg

This third book posed a really issue so when Mike sent out his outline notes, I turned to him and said I had committed to being in the book and needed his help. He assigned me a thread that needed addressing so I went to work, rereading the characters’ appearances in the first two books and then conceived of a story. Now, during this time, I had been catching up on listening to The West Wing Weekly podcast, so had the Executive Branch on my mind, which nicely dovetailed with the thread handed me. So, that gave me a starting point and Mike read the outline and agreed, although, interestingly enough, he said it reminded him more of Churchill in The Darkest Hour, which was fine with me. I managed to knock out the story early enough to let it sit and then polished and delivered on deadline. I may never be the world’s greatest writer, but I remain proud of being a pro and that always means delivering on schedule.

A page from Luis Garcia’s autobiographic graphic tale, which will be explored in the book I am editing.A page from Luis Garcia’s autobiographic graphic tale, which will be explored in the book I am editing.

A page from Luis Garcia’s autobiographic graphic tale, which will be explored in the book I am editing.

So, what’s next on my plate? I’ll be using the break to finish an article for Back Issue but will turn it in early. After that…I really don’t know. At some point I will here back about my sixth volume and jump on that.

This month, I am editing a book by David Roach, celebrating the art of Spanish illustrator Luis Garcia, coming in 2020 from Dynamite Entertainment. David and I have done a few together now and have hit a nice stride so this is a pleasure.

But I like writing and need to figure out what will spark me next. With luck, the Muse will smile on me during the break, when my mind is less fevered and the body better rested.

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