My Shore Leave 40 Schedule

In 1981, I was working at Starlog Press and I received a call from my pal Howard Weinstein. He’d just been invited to be a guest at a new show called Shore Leave. It was their third outing and he thought I’d make a good (and cheap) guest, coming down to talk about SF movies and the like.I had a wonderful time, delighted by the staff and the fans. The guest lineup included NASA’s Jesco Von Puttkamer, who consulted on Star Trek the Motion Picture, Howie, and me. We helped fill out the programming schedule including one that paired Howie with me, dubbed the Bob & Howie Show.Since 1981, I have missed two Shore Leaves and now, suddenly, this weekend, they’re celebrating their 40th show. For a fan-run show, that’s staggeringly impressive, especially as they have grown in scope, welcoming authors and scientists with the same fervor they invite media celebrities.I was reminded of all this as I assembled an Oral History of the 40 Years, which will be handed out to all attendees. I’m really happy they liked my idea of tripping down memory lane, a well-deserved victory lap for getting this far.In addition to the usual emcee duties, you can find me at the following panels:Friday9-10 p.m. Glenn Hauman’s Wake.As you know, Crazy 8 Press and their friends teamed up to repeatedly murder our co-founder in They Keep Killing Glenn. The body will be lying in state for those interested in paying their respects.10-Midnight Meet the Authors.Come say hello, get an autograph, buy a book, snap a selfie. I’m not shy. I will also be showing off my first copy of Justice League: 100 Greatest Moments.Saturday9-10 Me, Hunt/Valley RoomsGiven the celebrity schedule needs, I kick things off an hour earlier than usual. Accompanied by the corpse of Glenn Hauman, I’ll be catching you up on my life and work, and showing as many trailers for upcoming genre fare as time permits.12-1 Crazy 8 Workshop: Worldbuilding, McCormick SuiteFor teen writers, Glenn, Mary Fan, and I will be talking about the process of creating the reality you need to make your story work.2-3 Outside in ATB Publishing, Salon EMeet the contributors to these essay collections on the likes of Doctor Who, Star Trek, Buffy, and more. Laura Ware (M), Bob Greenberger, Amy Imhoff, Derek Attico, Lorraine Anderson, Kelli Fitzpatrick, Joseph F. Berenato3-4 Crazy 8 Press, Salon FThey did it. They killed Glenn Hauman. He will be lying in state during their annual presentation so make sure you pay your respects. Learn what is coming, dead or alive, from your favorite writers. Peter David (M), Russ Colchamiro, Kathleen David, Mary Fan, Michael Jan Friedman, Bob Greenberger, Glenn Hauman, Aaron Rosenberg4-5 Crazy 8 Workshop: Group Story, McCormick SuiteMike, Peter, and I have been collaborating for nearly thirty years so we’ll team up with our teen writers and help take them through creating a story on the spot.5-6 Continuity versus Canon, ChaseThe sign in front of the table will read: “Stories don’t need canon. Change my mind.” Bob Greenberger (M), Lorraine Anderson, Dayton Ward, Joseph F. Berenato, Susan OlesenSunday10-11 The Bob & Howie Show, Hunt/Valley RoomsWho knows what Howie and I will find to talk about after all these years? No doubt, we will celebrate his winning an award for his novel Galloway’s Gamble and I will chat about the 100 Greatest Moments books.

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